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Everything posted by Kzin

  1. His motor sounds good actually. A little rattley on tickover like most busas (camchain), but fine otherwise. I don't think you'll find much power loss there. Tis obvious the oil gets changed regularly. Anyway, it's a low mileage busa now...
  2. And you should've said if you wanted something to scare the shit out of you, I mean I was there, I could have obliged.... .. oh, you mean bike wise..
  3. Well you've just ruined that for me. Thanks
  4. I found this review on how to stretch more helpful. Might help a few of you older folk get pointers....
  5. I think biking, driving, any kind of freedom will all be lost arts soon
  6. Well , I hear the Gen4 in 2030 will be an all electric jobby.... So this is the last of the superbikes you'll likely ever get.
  7. Expected? - TBH he shouldn't be expecting anything on a new bike. You have to learn it first if you don't want a nasty surprise. Most of us learn this when moving up from 125's....
  8. Can't even make porn properly. Too much cheese and garlic.
  9. Tester day for the writer's and media?
  10. Get it booked in a Johns for a bit o tuning. He loves 'em
  11. I would if I could afford it. Nowt wrong with 'em, apart from the price.
  12. Was just gunna say that - sounds good apart from all that popping which make it sound like poor programming ; stopping the spark but not the fuel whilst shifting, dumping unspent fuel into the exhaust, then igniting it all on the next exhaust flame front. Great for pipe life.
  13. yea but shiny and what numpty buys a busa to get good mpg ?....
  14. Not sure I'll get much trade in for a pair of flip flops...
  15. Who's buying them all then ? - I mean this is a Busa forum and no one here's owned up to being on the list ( I'll bet John's secretly buying them all for his Kawasaki fwiends now they can't get new ZX's - he did mention a group buy)
  16. Could be tempted, but possibly not at 16k !
  17. No idea - but if you want that, get a CG125....
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