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Everything posted by MikaS

  1. Whats this about then, is it just fake or what ?
  2. Difference is so small at the finish line it can be caused by rider experience or size,
  3. How big was the difference testing ?
  4. Its funny how the graphs differ , different dynos and days, we need the gen3 to run the mile in Elvington, just take out the restrictions
  5. So, around 195miles on gen1 would be good then
  6. How far you can get on full tank then ?
  7. Not so much, it would be a nice bike to ride around but still there is the fact they did not upgrade it as most of us were expecting, and i already have my old bike modified like i want it to be,
  8. I had to go and see myself how the Gen3 looks, few little details spotted, Kanji in the headlight, front axle has a proper nut (not so neat as the old one), ram-air holes have arrows to point which way the air should flow, you should wear helmet, boots, gloves and read a book while riding, true hypersport
  9. Looking at the picture i realised how to drop half a second from 60-130 times, ditch the number plate
  10. Eh, did Enfa say he is the fastest in here Mark talking about wanting more and wanting to be scared, brings to mind what it really takes, you get used to lot of things, actually we have a saying , you can get used to anything but one (not sure if this came out right)
  11. You could say that you are actually looking for a faster than your current bike
  12. Some of us become happy dreaming of impossible things
  13. Sami did not have much to add, he is suggesting to the owner to cut off the exhaust and replace it with slip-on, then back to dyno,we will see
  14. So, it has lighter components, new combustion chamber design, new cams, more exhaust volume, but still, if you do the unrestriction mods, take out cats(or dogs), adjust fueling, maybe some stack swap, even throttle bodies, what do you have, not significantly more power than in tuned gen2, maybe something like 8-10hp ??? it does not take you to the moon, they say in here if you want to fly, raise the engine capacity, put the power at top range, and these Suzuki did not do
  15. impossible task, they keep coming so fast, i have to wake up to work in 4.5 hours
  16. Definitely, take the cats out, adjust the fuelling and its as good as gen2 on consumption
  17. Compare the first graph picture you posted, there the differences are much less, but have to remember the gen2 was tuned already, and check the mixture on gen3
  18. Pretty much the same, except it was the first pull on gen3 190hp, but they had anti wheelie on and it took power out of the low range.
  19. I have to call him tomorrow. He was supposed to inform when it comes to dyno, but no. How i get this graph, red is the gen3 when warmed up, is it 187.9 ?? Blue is old graph, gen2 with exhaust 195.3hp, both on engine
  20. Yes, i was expecting 270`ish on your dyno. We usually talk about 6%, not to shoot too high with the numbers. Joost explained to Sami how he can adjust the inertia value, that is how Petri got 299hp for his engine power
  21. It is quite clear , what about it ? Gen3 made 190 on engine, 188 when warmed up, gen2 makes 181-183 engine as stock gen3 power falls earlier, gen2 with exhaust beat stock gen3, quite clearly at top range they found speed limiter at 295 when it was supposed to be 300, i would not take that very seriously
  22. Oh man, the can of worms is opening
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